
Hi! I'm C. K. Collins (aka Kelly)

Are you joining us?

Published 2 months ago • 1 min read

Dear Reader,

I get it—you might be thinking, "Do I really have time for this?"

Trust me, I designed this self care challenge with women like you in mind. Each day's Facebook Live video is bite-sized and practical (only 15 minutes!), so you can easily fit it into your day without feeling overwhelmed.

I've seen countless past participants experience breakthroughs on the first day and after just five days— I'm confident you can too.

Now, you might be hesitant to sign up because you're afraid of failure. But here's the thing: success rarely comes from staying in your comfort zone. Sometimes, you have to take a leap of faith and trust that the rewards will be worth it.

Sometimes what keeps you safe, keeps you stuck!

And conversely, that thing you are going through right now that is holding you back is likely going to transform into your SUPERPOWER!

How about them apples?

Plus, this challenge is completely free—so what do you have to lose? You might be surprised by what you can achieve when you try something new!

Ready to make more money in your business?

Sign up now cause it starts in only 4 hours — I can't wait to see you there!

Please keep this in mind if you find someone who might need the program. It's going to be epic!

Warm regards,

Kelly - C.K. Collins
Author, Coach, Podcaster, Speaker

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Hi! I'm C. K. Collins (aka Kelly)

The Swipe Right Effect Podcast!

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