
Hi! I'm C. K. Collins (aka Kelly)

Join us for the 5-Day Self Care Challenge starting Monday!

Published 2 months ago • 1 min read

Hello Reader!

I'm so excited at the response we have received! Thanks to those of you who have already signed up for the 5-Day Self Care Challenge.

I hope you will join us too! Have I mentioned it is FREE????

During next week’s 5-Day Self Care Challenge, you’ll discover some easy, small habits that uplevel how you live and work and play.

The tips that I’ll share will help you generate epic levels of self care and self love and when that happens, life is so much more meaningful. Creating self care is actually easy… and (dare I say?) fun!

This challenge is really no challenge at all but a sharing of tips and habits I used which took my happiness to a new high frequency. And these aren’t habits that waste time or eat energy! These are easily replicable actions you can do each and every day.

Who is this challenge for?

This challenge is for women looking to smash through any limiting beliefs so you can finally unlock the happiness mindset you know is possible. The core of your success lies in shifting focus from “I’m so tired” to “Heck yeah, let’s go” and the energy that represents.

If you can’t make the lives, that is no problem! We’ll be sending links to podcast episodes next week, as well as links to a Facebook Live replays. The lives will happen Monday through Friday at 12 p.m. ET/11 a.m. CT.

I've seen firsthand the incredible results these challenge habits can create. Check out this testimony from Anna:

“The program genuinely (if you allow YOURSELF to) becomes a part of who you yearn to be - A better understood and cared for person that matters! It was challenging, freeing and most importantly, life changing.”

“Kelly has given me the tools to see, IN ME, what I deserve, what my worth is, allowing me to shed old beliefs that have kept me stuck in time, unable to grow into the person I am meant to be.“

Each day, you'll receive a video lesson by podcast but that just isn’t enough. You will lifetime access to these videos on my YouTube channel.

We’ll also gather IN PERSON so you can ask questions and we can help each other grow! It’s in the connections made, the value exchanged, and the moments that naturally unfold

The short 15-minute sessions will be packed with practical steps to boost your self care. And on the final day, join me for a live masterclass where I'll share how to break free from limiting mindsets holding you back.

Enjoy and get involved!

Warm regards,

Kelly - C.K. Collins
Author, Coach, Podcaster, Speaker

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Hi! I'm C. K. Collins (aka Kelly)

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