
Hi! I'm C. K. Collins (aka Kelly)

The best is yet to come! And it starts in 24 hours.

Published 2 months ago • 2 min read

Happy Sunday Reader,

What if 2024 could be your biggest year of growth, meaning, purpose, impact, spiritual awakening and contribution ever?

An extensive study in the U.S.A. found that the most productive age in human life is between 60-70 years of age.

The 2nd most productive stage of the human being is from 70 to 80 years of age.

The 3rd most productive stage is from 50 to 60 years of age.

Isn’t this exciting? The best is yet to come!

But for this to happen, you must prioritize your own needs.

Have you forgotten how to prioritize your own self care? Dreams?

If you are nodding your head, you are not alone.

And I hope recognizing this means you’ll sign up for the 5-Day Self Care Challenge and give yourself just 15 minutes each day this week to join the Facebook Live. You will learn how to start forming small habits that provide meaningful change.

Since I wrote my book, I’ve met with many women just like you and not care for ourselves is a common theme. We are so busy taking care of others that we don’t take care of ourselves.

I believe that you have unique talents and passions and you are meant to bring your energy out into a world that needs more good. And I also believe that is not possible unless you are continually feeding your soul.

In 2017, my world was upended and I had a crisis of identity. I became an empty nester, got divorced and sold my business. I began a journey, with a long and winding road, to find my purpose and redefine my connection with the world.

I made significant changes in my life, starting with placing my needs at the top of my “to-do” list. I carved out time in the morning, during the day and in the evening to focus on myself. I even took a one-year sabbatical to travel the world.

But in the beginning, I was trying to do it all on my own and I learned that was the wrong approach.

That’s what this 5-Day Self Care Challenge is all about. You deserve the support you need and I have a private Facebook group with women ready to do the same work. It’s free and you just might hear what you’ve needed to hear for a long time.

If you can’t make the live sessions, you should still sign up because you’ll be able to watch the videos any time.

The challenge will provide you with 5 simple habits that you can incorporate into your daily life. There is no extra time needed to form these habits - it won’t be a drain.

This is what I want for you!

  • To be the healthiest version of yourself - mind, body, spirit.
  • Live a life with passion, creativity, and purpose focused on accomplishing your dreams and desires.
  • Live a purpose-filled life with balance and flexibility to do the things that I enjoyed.
  • Be able to invest in yourself without feeling guilty or selfish.

Are you ready for a change? It’s time..... and this is a quick and easy way to get started.

As a woman who is committed to evolving, growing and reaching higher, here’s one thing I know for sure: the best will forever be yet to come.

You’re just getting started!

You are a powerful creator, your potential is limitless.

Align with the impulse within you to reach higher, dream big and go for it!

Warm regards,

Kelly - C.K. Collins
Author, Coach, Podcaster, Speaker

P.S. If you want to hear more about the 5-Day Self Care Challenge, you can check out my podcast where I kick it all off.

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Hi! I'm C. K. Collins (aka Kelly)

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